Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Compile A Press Package

Don't be misled by the term press kit -- also known as a media kit; journalists are not its only audience. A press kit is an introduction to your company, product or service for investors, customers and clients, as well as the media. No matter what type or size of your business, you want to reach at least one, if not more, of these audiences. Your press kit can serve as your public relations department, and it doesn't have to be as fancy as you might think. "Those requesting media kits just want information -- not necessarily glitz," asserts Al Lautenslager, marketing and PR consultant. Once you understand the building blocks of a press kit, you may be surprised by how much of it you already have; you just need to put it together.


1. Build your company overview, also known as a backgrounder. Who are you as a company, what do you do, where and why? Your backgrounder may include your company's mission statement, vision, history, sales and marketing data, key branding messages and a fact sheet. Include one-paragraph biographies of your key players; your people put a face on your company and help tell your story.

2. Gather your product or service information. Include any of the following you have: brochure, fact sheet, testimonials, reviews and awards.

3. Give your audience a head start and add an FAQ sheet on your product or service, recent press releases, media coverage and story ideas.

4. Prepare artwork. Graphics should be high resolution images -- 300 dots per inch -- of your product, service and company identity, such as your logo. Include video and other media if you have them. Provide credit information for all art, such as "Copyright 2011 ABC Corp. All rights reserved."

5. Include your media contact information prominently. Should your audience contact the CEO or another person for more information?

6. Compile your backgrounder, product/service information, FAQ, press releases, media coverage, artwork and contact information in a company folder (or a generic one with your business card) or a flash drive.

7. Add a section to your website called "Press Room" or "Media." Upload the contents of your press kit.